Evita las deudas energéticas

Avoid energy debts

Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, my teacher scolded me in the middle of a conversation. It was the first time I noticed her serious and worried, almost grumpy.

I told him, ecstatic and excited (like a good beginner), that I had done a tobacco reading and cleansing at the request of a very close friend.

As I explained the details of the process (which was particularly serious and complicated) and the results I obtained with the cleansings I did, my teacher, with an accusatory look, asked me if I had received anything in exchange for that reading and work.

- Get something? But he's my friend! How am I going to charge him? - I accused immediately.

She, with her eternal wisdom and soft words, asked me to listen to her carefully.

- When you do energy work, be it a reading, a ritual, a cleansing or whatever you have decided to put into practice, you must charge something, even if it is a candy, even if it is a penny, but you must be given something in return.

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I couldn't understand. I kept telling her that it was a gift, that it had come from my heart to help that friend. To which she replied:

- When we do something, we generate energy, those actions, those objects, have energy. If you give that energy for free, that other person will now have your energy and you will be in deficit. Everything must be in balance, never give anything that another cannot return with the same energy. I am not talking about money per se, it can be favors, actions, anything else, but there must always be a fair exchange to maintain the balance of energy -.

Years went by and I began to better understand what my Teacher had told me, and not only that, but I discovered that there are a great number of situations and thoughts, of customs that one considers encouraging or “beneficial”, when in reality they are very serious symptoms of energy deficiency and debt.

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For example, those who ask for more discounts than those established, those who haggle over prices, those who complain about “how expensive this is”, those who pay in installments or ask for credit, those who always look for the cheapest (even though they don't really like what they buy), those who minimize the work of others saying “this service doesn't cost that much, it's too expensive”, those who only buy when there are discounts even though they urgently need that service or product.

I know people who pride themselves on being great hagglers, many others who always ask for discounts, freebies, who are always asking what else they can get for free or at a discounted price; many others insist on getting more for less, even though it is not something stipulated in the transaction.

Unfortunately, these people will always be linked to problems of lack, debt, theft, bankruptcy, loss of money or nearby misfortunes, and there will even be health problems.

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Have you ever wondered why we have these personal and family economic crises? Have you ever wondered why our country, our region, is always in economic crisis? The answers are found in this erroneous culture of energy debt, where favours are not repaid and exchanges of work or products are negotiated and haggled over.

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Regarding this learning passage with my Master, today I came across a text written by a great friend, a great sorcerer and a person of exceptional qualities and eternal wisdom: Master Ángel Espinoza.

It is a pleasure to share your thoughts with you:


There are people who constantly ask or have in their mind that services have to be free, because you are their friend, family, etc.

These people who receive free energy and give nothing in return will remain in debt (they are generating karmic debt).

They think they benefit from getting the free service, but they are not applying the universal law where you must give to receive. And at the same time, the person who did you that favor will be at a disadvantage.

The person who received for free becomes a debtor to the universe without knowing it, and will begin to owe on the energetic level.

It may happen that this person will attract various situations into his or her life where he or she will somehow repay the debt and reestablish the natural order of giving and receiving. Various expenses will appear in his or her life, expenses that were not foreseen.

You may have to pay a fine, or things like your car, appliances, etc. will break down and cost you money to fix, or something will be stolen or you will lose money in some way.

The Universe will collect that debt that it did not want to pay and obtained for free to reestablish balance.

The person who does not charge for his work will begin to attract situations in which no one returns energy for his services.

The Universe has its rules.

If you can afford a product, do it.

If you can't pay with money, find another way to do it, this way you will be turning off the power.

Many times you say "the money comes in and goes to expenses I didn't expect, I end up paying more than I should, I don't know what's happening," well what happens is that you are an energetic debtor and the universe will try to find that balance again.

Credits to the Author: Maestro Ángel Espinoza.

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