¿Quiénes eran los Berserkers?

Who were the Berserkers?

The Berserk or Berserkers were a group of Scandinavian fighters who made their appearances in the Viking Age (793 CE to 1100 CE). Their main characteristic, according to the accounts of historical exploits, was their peculiar way of fighting, limiting themselves to using only skins (without extra protection) and using insane and aggressive combat methods.

According to current studies, it is possible that these groups of fighters went to the battlefield under the influence of strong hallucinogens that put them into a trance that made them insensitive to pain and generated strength beyond known standards. In addition, part of the effect of these hallucinogenic elements was due to their poor perception of danger, which led them to inflict wounds on themselves to the horror of their enemies.

Berserkers used to use certain elements identified by archaeology and modern history: They would wear the skins of their protective animals so that they could take on the strength and ferocity of the animal. For example, they believed that by putting the skin of a bear on their backs they could obtain the qualities and characteristics of the animal's behavior and physique.

The same thing happened with the Runes. We have already mentioned in several spaces that the Runes, at the beginning, were used in the form of phrases or magic formulas that allowed one to take control of the ether or the energy of the word itself, that is, if a warrior painted on his body or somewhere on his weapons the phrase “the invincible warrior” he would adopt this quality and would effectively be invincible.

Everything indicates that these practices were very common among Nordic warriors and gave them mental strength and self-confidence to face their enemies.

Another important psychological factor is the use of attitude as a weapon against the enemy. When the opposing side saw a group of warriors with attitudes outside of normal human behavior (product of drugs) and without adequate protection, cutting their bodies and painting themselves with unknown symbols; it is quite obvious that they generated widespread panic in the enemy ranks, having previously won the psychological battle.

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